AI is evolving the way we do business

AI is already taking over, you just haven’t noticed

Machines that anticipate your needs before you ask might sound like sci-fi, but this is the reality for some of today’s best customer experiences. Have you ever wondered how Netflix recommends your next favourite show, how Amazon already knows the products you’d like to purchase, or how your smartphone suggests just the right words for a text message?
The answer: These systems are all underpinned by clever AI.
Imagine if you could offer this kind of predictive personalisation to your customers...

We’re in the age of customer personalisation

Machine learning algorithms help you to pre-empt customers’ choices. Drawing on available data like age, gender, family, job, wealth, and location, these algorithms  recognise customers’ behaviours and preferences, and then inform you how to best sell to that person. 
Take insurance, an incredibly data rich industry, for example. Traditional insurance software might be programmed to calculate the cost of renewing your health Insurance policy. A machine learning-enabled application on the other hand can not only calculate the cost of renewing a health insurance policy but also recommend a change in policy based on your history of health claims. 
Now consider the ever-increasing adoption of data-hungry devices like smartphones and the internet of things all creating volumes of data.

AI, not just for customers

While machine learning algorithms are serving customers on one end, they can improve processes and inform important decisions within your business at the other.  
Organisations are evolving from traditional office environments to digital workplaces, and those that are using AI are improving business processes to gain a competitive advantage. 
Imagine finding data on the performance of a specific campaign or checking on exact stock numbers just by asking a question... 
...Well, you can. The ability to understand complex requests and provide a contextual answer is AI’s bread and butter. 

What’s next?

In part three, Machine learning for higher education, we’ll look at a real world example of machine learning. Keep an eye out for it soon.

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Jade Software

Jade brings new ideas to life in industries including energy, insurance, agritech, and retail. With a UX-led approach to defining problems and a methodical, iterative process for solving them, we change people’s real-world experiences with whatever technology fits best.

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